extends Node var reset = false var switch = false var scene = 0 #0 is title, 1 is game var title = Sprite2D var game = Node2D var win = Sprite2D # Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time. func _ready(): title = preload("res://Scenes/Title.tscn") game = preload("res://Scenes/Main.tscn") win = preload("res://Scenes/Win.tscn") var instance = title.instantiate() add_child(instance) # Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame. func _process(delta): if switch == true: get_child(0).queue_free() match scene: 0: var instance = title.instantiate() add_child(instance) 1: var instance = game.instantiate() add_child(instance) print("reload!") reset = true 2: var instance = win.instantiate() add_child(instance) switch = false