extends CharacterBody2D var speed = 750 var sprite = Sprite2D var hurtTimer = 0 var hurt = false var lives = 3 # Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time. func _ready(): sprite = $FishSprite # Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame. func _physics_process(delta): movement() animation() damage() func movement(): var direction = Input.get_vector("Left","Right","Up","Down") velocity = direction * speed move_and_slide() func animation(): if Input.is_action_just_pressed("Left"): sprite.flip_h = false sprite.position = Vector2(11, 0) if Input.is_action_just_pressed("Right"): sprite.flip_h = true sprite.position = Vector2(-49, 0) func damage(): if hurtTimer > 0 && hurtTimer % 2 == 0: sprite.visible = false if hurtTimer > 0 && hurtTimer % 2 == 1: sprite.visible = true if hurt == true && hurtTimer == 0: var direction = Input.get_vector("Left","Right","Up","Down") velocity = -direction * speed * 10 move_and_slide() lives -= 1 hurt = false hurtTimer = 60 else: if hurt == true && hurtTimer != 0: var direction = Input.get_vector("Left","Right","Up","Down") velocity = -direction * speed * 10 move_and_slide() hurt = false if hurtTimer != 0: hurtTimer -= 1