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using Godot;
using System;
public partial class Cage : StaticBody2D
private Area2D probe; // probe to detect ghosts triggers
private Area2D cageTrigger; // an area to tell other objects that it has collected a ghost
private AnimatedSprite2D sprite; // animated sprite of cage
private AudioStreamPlayer GhostCaged; //an audio track
public bool activated; //if activated
public bool red; //do you want it cherry flavored?
[Export] // you can edit this in the inspector
public Vector2 triggerPos; // where the trigger will get sent after a ghost is collected
private void _on_probe_area_entered(Area2D area)
if (area.IsInGroup("Ghost")) // if probe detects a ghost's probe
cageTrigger.GlobalPosition = triggerPos; //sends trigger to specified position
if(activated == false)
area.GetParent().QueueFree(); //deletes the ghost
RemoveFromGroup("Cage"); //the cage is no longer considered a cage for the ghost's collision checks
activated = true; //activation animations can play
// Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
public override void _Ready()
//setting values that can't be preloaded
probe = GetNode<Area2D>("Probe");
sprite = GetNode<AnimatedSprite2D>("CageSprite");
GhostCaged = GetNode<AudioStreamPlayer>("GhostCaged");
cageTrigger = GetNode<Area2D>("Trigger");
// Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame.
public override void _Process(double delta)
private void animations()
// animations for the cage are determined by it's activation, not a timer like the player or ghost
if(red == false)
if (activated == true)
if (activated == false)
if(red == true)
if (activated == true)
if (activated == false)