
188 lines
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using Godot;
using System;
public partial class Ghost : StaticBody2D
//I just tweaked the player code, cause it works.
private Area2D probe; // probe to find the tile in the in the direction of the ghost's movement
private AnimatedSprite2D sprite; // animated sprite of ghost
private AudioStreamPlayer GhostMove;//some audio tracks
private AudioStreamPlayer GhostCage;
private Vector2 spriteMovement; // 2d vector dictating sprite's independant movement
private bool canMove = true; // if next step can be taken
private bool blocked; // if the player should noy move
private int pause; //timer for when processing needs to occur
private int idle = 99; // timer for idling based actions (animations mostly) starts high enough to skip certain animations on startup
public bool activated; //if activated by player
public bool facing; //if player is facing
public bool moving; //probably redundant but it works
public float storedSpin; //what the actual rotation of the object is used mostly for the sprite
private void _on_probe_body_entered(Node2D body)
if (body.IsInGroup("Wall")) // if probe detects walls
blocked = true; // stops from moving
canMove = false;
activated = false; //stops the constant movement from reoccuring until the player reactivates it
if (body.IsInGroup("Obsticals") && !body.IsInGroup("Cage") && !body.IsInGroup("Lazer")) // if probe detects an obstical that isn't a cage or lazer
blocked = true; //stops from moving
canMove = false;
activated = false; //stops the constant movement from reoccuring until the player reactivates it
if (body == GetNode<StaticBody2D>("/root/OutofBody/Chloek")) // if probe detects the player somehow
blocked = true; //stops from moving
canMove = false;
activated = false; //stops the constant movement from reoccuring until the player reactivates it
private void _on_probe_body_exited(Node2D body)
if (body.IsInGroup("Wall")) //if probe detects walls
blocked = false; // allow moving
if (body.IsInGroup("Obsticals") && !body.IsInGroup("Lazer")) //if probe detects a non-lazer obstical
blocked = false; // allow moving
if (body == GetNode<StaticBody2D>("/root/OutofBody/Chloek")) //if probe detects player
blocked = false; // allow moving
private void _on_ghost_area_area_entered(Area2D area)
if (area == GetNode<Area2D>("/root/OutofBody/Chloek/Probe"))
facing = true; //the player is facing the ghost
private void _on_ghost_area_area_exited(Area2D area)
if (area == GetNode<Area2D>("/root/OutofBody/Chloek/Probe"))
facing = false; //the player is no longer facing the ghost
public override void _Ready() // on startup
// setting starting coditions for variables
probe = GetNode<Area2D>("Probe");
sprite = GetNode<AnimatedSprite2D>("GhostSprite");
GhostMove = GetNode<AudioStreamPlayer>("GhostMove");
GhostCage = GetNode<AudioStreamPlayer>("GhostCage");
spriteMovement = Position;
public override void _PhysicsProcess(double delta) // updates multipul times a frame so movment happens propperly
//finished tasks become functions
if (pause == 0)
else {pause--;}
public void animations()
if (sprite.GlobalPosition != Position) //if intending to move
if (idle > 0)
idle = 0;
//all time based animations here
switch (idle)
case 0: sprite.Play("Moving"); break;
case 1: sprite.Play("Stopping"); break;
case 60: sprite.Play("Pre-Idle"); break;
case 100: sprite.Play("Idle"); break;
if (idle >= 60)
sprite.Rotation = 0;
else if (idle == 0)
sprite.Rotation = storedSpin;
spriteMovement = spriteMovement.MoveToward(Position, 10f); // sprite moves towards ghost's position
sprite.GlobalPosition = spriteMovement; //seems redundant
public void move()
if (canMove == true && blocked == false && facing == true || moving == true && blocked == false && canMove == true) //if ghost can move
spriteMovement = Position; //sprite snaps to previous position
Position = probe.GlobalPosition; //ghost position changes to probe's position
moving = true; //allows constant movement
//disables constant movement
canMove = false;
activated = false;
moving = false;
public override void _Input(InputEvent @event)
if (@event.IsActionPressed("Action"))
//actions are handled by the ghost not the player
activated = true;
canMove = true;
if(activated == false)
//all rotations are stored as radians not degrees
if (@event.IsActionPressed("Up"))
probe.Position = new Vector2(0,-20);
storedSpin = 4.712f; //sprite flips to face up
pause = 3;
else if (@event.IsActionPressed("Down"))
probe.Position = new Vector2(0,20);
storedSpin = 1.5708f; //sprite flips to face down
pause = 3;
else if (@event.IsActionPressed("Left"))
probe.Position = new Vector2(-20,0);
storedSpin = 3.1416f; //sprite flips to face left
pause = 3;
else if (@event.IsActionPressed("Right"))
probe.Position = new Vector2(20,0);
storedSpin = 0; //sprite flips to face right
pause = 3;