
65 lines
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using Godot;
using System;
public partial class lazer : StaticBody2D
//named lazer because Zs are cooler than Ss
//I just tweaked the ghost code, cause it works.
private Area2D probe; // probe to find the tile in the in the direction of the lazer's movement
public AnimatedSprite2D sprite; // animated sprite of lazer
private bool destroy; //if lazer should be destroyed
public int pause = 3; //timer for when processing needs to occur
//hmm this seems similar to the one from EvilEye... sure would make it easy to share this variable between them...
public int direction; //left-1 right-2 up-3 down-4
private void _on_probe_body_entered(Node2D body)
if (body.IsInGroup("Wall")) // if probe detects walls
destroy = true; //next update the lazer will be erased
if (body.IsInGroup("Obsticals") && !body.IsInGroup("Lazer") && !body.IsInGroup("Ghost")) // if probe detects non-lazer, non-ghost obsticals
destroy = true; //next update the lazer will be erased
public override void _Ready() // on startup
// setting starting coditions for variables
probe = GetNode<Area2D>("Probe");
sprite = GetNode<AnimatedSprite2D>("LazerSprite");
//yeah. it's kinda obvious that everything the lazer can do is determined by the evil eye, huh.
switch (direction)
case 1: sprite.Rotation = 3.1416f; probe.Position = new Vector2(-20,0); break;
case 2: sprite.Rotation = 0; probe.Position = new Vector2(20,0); break;
case 3: sprite.Rotation = 4.712f; probe.Position = new Vector2(0,-20); break;
case 4: sprite.Rotation = 1.5708f; probe.Position = new Vector2(0,20); break;
public override void _PhysicsProcess(double delta) // updates multipul times a frame so movment happens propperly
//finished tasks become functions
if (pause == 0)
//destruction happens before everything else
//think of it as a permanent break();
if(destroy == true)
pause = 3;
//no animations because the lazer gets synced by it's parent
public void move()
//just goes forwards really fast
GlobalPosition = probe.GlobalPosition; //player position changes to probe's position